Progress Pictures

While in treatment, I had little access to technology. This would usually cause me little stress, but seeing as my primary coping strategy was what got me there in the first place, and my second was music (which was nowhere to be found without technology or the elusive musical instrument), I tried out drawing again. Something I hadn’t remembered to do in years.

Through these pictures, I aimed to encapsulate my journey; remember where I was and how I felt. On my very last week I decided I wasn’t happy with my first drawing, so I drew, once again, the lobby in which I had first sat. Without looking back for reference, I woke early on the Monday of my last week to sit and draw the empty lobby once again. When I finished, I compared the two and all at once became a bit overwhelmed. Therein was the story of my transformation, the start of my journey, the progress I had made. I could explain just exactly what I mean, but I’ll leave you to look for yourself with the one realized quality I find most important: found stability.


Santa Claus- EE


Mental Gymnastics