If The Shoe Fits… -EE

The third installment of my “Edmonds Entries” series.

I like myself best in the quiet of my arrival. Where I come to meet my name and give just who I am. But when a road wares from your feet, you start to change your shoes, and a heel too high to hop in suddenly becomes your soul. 

I was allowed one suitcase, well, two, but I figured they’d like me more had I reduced myself to one. There isn’t room for extra shoes in a single suitcase shell. And I’ve freely walked these roads, the rubber squeaking silly. Never wishing for another pair, but imagining the ground pressing against my feet, our soles tied tight together. 

Perhaps when I return, to the pothole drive I know, there will be a fast forboding of the other pairs persistent. Or maybe, in a world more delightful, they would find my feet just right, and the road my path to forge. 


Beating Boba- EE


Mars Bars- EE